Friday, September 18, 2009

Testing the Waters

This week has been tough as Silas is testing his boundaries. Professionals tell us that older kids will often test their adoptive parents to see if they are committed. All the other adults in their lives have been in and out, so they are trying to figure out if you are serious-if you love them. We are not sure if any of this pertains to Silas or if he is just being two! Our social worker gave us some great advice and encouragement yesterday, and we are very grateful for her wisdom.

I realized that I was so concerned about getting it right-about doing all the necessary things to bring Silas stability that we were missing out on him-just enjoying him. I actually tend to do this with all three kids. :)

Here are some fun bath time pics. Silas loves the water.

Silas likes to kiss on the mouth.

1 comment:

  1. He looks so happy Sarita...Hope your family is still adjusting well...Thinking about you guys!!
    Paul & Mandy
